The Reminder is making its archives back to 2003 available on our website. Please note that, due to technical limitations, archive articles are presented without the usual formatting.
Although the Flin Flon School Division has officially expressed its displeasure with the awkward 'ward' system of voting in school elections, it appears their objections have not been taken seriously at the provincial level. Last month, the local school division wrote to the Honourable Peter Bjornson, the Minister of Education and Youth in Winnipeg, requesting that the ward system of voting be dropped, and the 'at large' electoral system be reinstated in the Flin Flon School Division. In this way, people living within the division could vote for all the candidates who are running for the School Board, rather than just being allowed to vote for a candidate who happens to live in their area, or ward. In the last school election, Flin Flon was divided into two wards. "They still haven't heard what we are trying to say," commented Flin Flon School Division Chair Jim Wilson. Wilson was referring to a letter the board recently received from the Minster of Education and Youth. In his letter, the Honourable Bjornson promoted the ward-based systems where "voter participation rates tend to be higher" and where "elected officials are somewhat more representative of the community". "They still think we are a large centre, and not a small, close knit community," said Wilson as the school division trustees reviewed the letter at Tuesday's meeting. The Minister of Education and Youth did say that he would be willing to consider the local division's request "as part of the Department's ongoing legislative review process at some point in the future". The trustees agreed to continue with their efforts o have the ward system removed from the local voting procedures, however they didn't express any optimism that their request would be taken seriously in the near future. Also at Tuesday's school division meeting, chairperson Jim Wilson noted that the Flin Flon School Division had met with the Creighton School Division on Thursday, December 4. During the approximately one and 1/2 hour meeting, the Flin Flon division made its case to encourage Creighton to remain involved with Hapnot Collegiate, rather then to begin offering high school grades in Creighton. Wilson said that, athough a discussion had taken place on the matter, there was "no resolution" at the conclusion of the meeting. Trustee Colleen McKee said, "we gave our input" at the meeting, which "was our responsibility" to do so. She added that it was "Creighton's decision to make". The Creighton School Division representatives have stated that they will be voting on December 16, as to whether or not they will continue sending their high school aged students to Flin Flon, or instead begin the process of implementing their own high school programs at Creighton School, beginning with a grade 10 class in the fall of 2004. In other business from Tuesday's meeting, superintendent Blaine Veitch gave his report which highlighted several events taking place within the Flin Flon School Division. See 'Report' P.# Con't from P.# Some of these include: - over 60 people participated in the community forum held November 27É it is hoped that the information received through the forum will be used as a foundation for next year's division plans; - the Parent / Teacher night for elementary students is Thursday, December 11; - December 19 is the last teaching day prior to the Christmas break, with students returning to class on January 5 for all schools. - the McIsaac School Ecole McIsaac Junior SPCA Club have raised over $1,500 in their Pennies for Pets fundraiser; - the Ruth Betts Student Council are organizing a Food for Christmas campaign again this year, with each class collecting non-perishable food items to be donated to the Lord's Bounty Food Bank; - the Parkdale School Chess club is up and running with 47 kids signed up; - the McIsaac School Choir members recently entertained at the Northern Lights Manor where they had a chance to mingle and share cookies with the seniors; - the Hapnot bands entertained the seniors at the Rotary Christmas Party; - the Hapnot House Challenges have been well received by the students, with special events to run throughout the year; - Many Faces Education Centre students in the Desktop Publishing Class have been assigned the task of preparing school newsletters. After reviewing a few other items in his report, Superintendent Veitch took the opportunity, on behalf of himself, the board, the staff, students, and parents, to wish everyone a "Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year.