The Reminder is making its archives back to 2003 available on our website. Please note that, due to technical limitations, archive articles are presented without the usual formatting.
FLIN FLON SCHOOL DIVISION Condensed Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees held August 26, 2003 in the Board Room of the Division Office, 9 Terrace Avenue, Flin Flon, Manitoba. Leave Request - As per Article 5:05 of the MTS Collective Bargaining Agreement, Employee No. 1033 was granted an unpaid leave of absence effective September 15th, 2003 to January 2nd, 2004, inclusive. Term Contracts -The Chair of the Board and Secretary-Treasurer will sign Form 2A term contracts with the following teachers: Kona Bryson, 1/2 time Grade 7 at McIsaac School Ecole McIsaac, effective September 15th, 2003 to January 2nd, 2004. Sharon Beaman, 1/2 time at Many Faces Education Centre, effective September 2nd to November 7th, 2003. Isabel (Lizzie) Kennedy, 1/2 time at Many Faces Education Centre, effective September 2nd to November 7th, 2003. Personal Contracts - The Board of Trustees approved the renewal of personal contacts as recommended by the Finance Committee. PRESENTATIONS - Nil BUSINESS ARISING McIsaac Parent Advisory Council Re: Trustee Rep - Request from McIsaac Parent Advisory Council for Trustee representation at their regular meetings. Discussion was held regarding the purpose of a Trustee attending and it was agreed that the main purpose was to provide communication with the Trustee acting as a liaison between the Board and Parent Advisory Council. The Trustee representative would be non-voting and not serve on any sub-committees of the organization. The Trustee would carry their own opinions to the group and not speak on behalf of the entire Board. Following the discussion, it was agreed that with the regular attendance of a Parent Advisory Council representative at the Board meetings, communication between the groups was excellent. The Board agreed to give further consideration to the request and tabled the item to the September 9th regular meeting. ACTION CORRESPONDENCE The following correspondence was received as information: - Workplace Safety & Health Issues - Copy correspondence dated June 25, 2003 to the Presidents of Manitoba Teachers' Society and the Canadian Union of Public Employees from MAST re: workplace safety and health issues. - Science Lab Renovations - Correspondence dated June 25, 2003 from Public Schools Finance Board re: motion of approval of the sketch plans and authorization to proceed to the development of working drawings regarding proposed changes to the Science Lab at Hapnot Collegiate in the amount of $278,254. - Support For Demolition - Correspondence dated June 25, 2003 from Public Schools Finance Board re: motion to provide support in the amount of $11,951 towards the cost of demolition and disposal of 30 Adams Street. - Feedback - Copy correspondence dated July 16, 2003 to the Winnipeg Free Press from MAST re: feedback to a letter to the editor entitled "Activists Urge More Exercise In Schools", published July 14, 2003. - Free Press Article - Correspondence dated August 14, 2003 from MAST re: Free Press Article entitled "Tax Revolt Launched", published August 14, 2003. Safer Workplace Act - Copy correspondence dated June 19, 2003 to Honourable Premier Gary Doer & Cabinet Members from Brandon School Division re: Safer Workplace Act. The Flin Flon School Division Board of Trustees will correspond with Premier Gary Doer and cabinet members advising of their support for Brandon School Division's position regarding the Safer Workplace Act and expressing the Board's concerns with the legislated changes. Inter-organizational Committee On Workplace Safety - Correspondence dated June 24, 2003 from MAST re: Inter-organizational Committee on Workplace Safety and Health, along with copy correspondence dated June 17, 2003 to the Assistant Deputy Minister - Manitoba Labour & Immigration - Workplace Safety & Health Division from the Manitoba Teachers' Society re: variances to the Workplace Safety and Health Act for School Divisions. Superintendent Veitch advised that with current legislation the Flin Flon School Division would require 5 or 6 Workplace Safety & Health Committees as one is required for each workplace. The Division will be applying for a variance and has the support of both the United Steelworker's of America Local 7975 and Flin Flon Teachers' Association No. 46. Award Nominations - Correspondence dated July 11, 2003 from MAST re: Manitoba Aboriginal Achievement Awards Ñ Call For Nominations will be forwarded to the Division Family Workers and the administration at Hapnot and Many Faces. Use of Many Faces Gym - Request dated August 20, 2003 from Northern Country Crafters re: use of Many Faces gymnasium on November 1, 2003 was approved as per policy. Seminar Information - "Legal Duties and Liabilities of Boards: What Every Board Member Should Know" - Trustees interested in attending are encouraged to submit their request to the Board. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORTS The Superintendent and Secretary-Treasurer reported to the Board on the following divisional matters: Cree Language & Culture Program - Superintendent Veitch has been in discussion with Creighton School regarding offering a Cree Language and Culture Program at Many Faces Education Centre. Creighton presently offers the program and this will be the first year that students from this program will be entering our Division. The Division is making the necessary arrangements to incorporate the program this year. Maintenance Report - A significant amount of work was completed this summer. Highlights include the removal of the house at 129 Green Street and the old Administration building, painting and renovation of the Hapnot gym area, and the duct cleaning at Ruth Betts. Unfortunately, a significant amount of time and money was lost to the following vandalism: Hapnot - Broken windows; Broken yard light; Spray paint on the north end and main entrance; Vandalism to the main doors; Wiring to the ITV tower / Parkdale - Broken windows - 3 occurrences; Toilets, walls, carpets; Beer bottles in playground / McIsaac - Broken windows; Fire and broken windows; Mail box vandalism - 3 occurrences; Broken yard lights; Broken beer bottles - almost every weekend starting in May until snow; Spray paint; Playground - cars doing power turns; Vandalism to doors / Ruth Betts - Broken windows; Vandalism to doors (after painting); Broken beer bottles - frequent occurrences / Many Faces - Broken windows; Attempted break in (Trailer); Electrical plugs and boxes smashed and torn off wall; Locks inoperable. The RCMP and the City of Flin Flon have been contacted and ongoing discussions will be needed to address this issue. University College of the North - Superintendent Veitch advised that he has been appointed to sit on the Steering Committee for the University College of the North. The implementation team has begun preparing the specifics required by the government. The Steering Committee is responsible for making recommendations that address the needs from across the north. Year End Reports - School Calendar - The Department of Education requires schools to provide parents with year end reports. Plans are underway to also circulate a Division report, which will summarize major activities over the past year, to all members of the community. School Start-Up - Staff will be returning to work on Tuesday, September 2nd and begin with a meeting at 8:00 a.m. at McIsaac School. Board members are encouraged to attend to welcome the staff back and meet staff new to the Division. Students will begin classes Wednesday, September 3rd at all schools. Mission/Vision - The Division committee has been working hard to clarify the definitions as the next step in the Mission - Vision process. This will be brought forward to staff on Tuesday to be used as part of their discussions in planning for the next school year. NCI - The Division has been approached by Native Communications Inc. to provide access to the ITV tower located at Hapnot Collegiate. NCI plans to offer FM service to our region with the installation of a re-broadcaster on the tower. This would also require the use of an area in the school to install a computer and then have access to do periodic upgrades. The proposal requests the access free of charge. Superintendent Veitch has discussed this with our technology and maintenance staff and no problems anticipated. The letter of request was circulated for information and referred to the Finance Committee for further consideration. Videon - Board Meetings - Mike Harvie has left the employment of Videon and will no longer be videotaping Board meetings. At this time it is not known if Videon will be hiring someone to videotape future meetings. On behalf of the Board of Trustees Secretary-Treasurer Bongfeldt thanked Mike for his service to the Board and wished him all the best in his future endeavours. Pay Accounts - The Division accounts as at August 20, 2003 in the amount of $909,841.79, cheque numbers 82491 through 82782 and 90001 through 90135, net of cancelled cheques 80220, 82420 and 82439, will be paid. REPORTS - Nil CHAIR'S REPORT Welcome Back - Chair Wilson welcomed everyone back, including Jamie Smalley from CFAR who will be attending the Board meeting on their behalf. Graduation - FI Certificate - A booklet, published by the Department of Education, and entitled "A Time To Know Which Direction To Go: A Record of Graduation Requirements For Parents and Students of French Immersion Programs" is available from Hapnot and McIsaac. NEW BUSINESS - Nil Information correspondence was made available for review. The public vacated the meeting at 8:18 p.m. and the meeting adjourned to Committee of the Whole, reconvened and adjourned at 9:11 p.m. School Board meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. The next regular Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 23, 2003 at 7:30 p.m. in the Division Office Board Room located at 9 Terrace Avenue. Board of Trustees: Jim Wilson-Chair; Colleen McKee-Vice-Chair; Trustees: Tim Davis, Donna Ferguson, Gordon Mitchell, Angela Simpson, Murray Skeavington