The Reminder is making its archives back to 2003 available on our website. Please note that, due to technical limitations, archive articles are presented without the usual formatting.
The Creighton RCMP Detachment report for the period of December 1 to December 7 inclusive is as follows: December 1 - Request from Manitoba Prosecutions to serve Subpoenas in Creighton; report of suspicious person in Creighton. December 2 - Complaint of Theft Under $5,000 on Amiskosakahikan I.R. in Denare Beach (A.I.R.); complaint of Breach of Peace in Sturgeon Landing; request from Weyburn Police Service to serve parking summons in Denare Beach. December 3 - Complaint of assault on A.I.R. in Denare Beach; request for Peace Bond in Denare Beach; complaint of hit and run to fence in Creighton; complaint of Mischief Under $5,000 in Denare Beach. December 4 - Complaint of Breach of Peace in Creighton; complaint of intoxicated male in Denare Beach. December 5 - Complaint of Breach of Peace on A.I.R.; complaint of theft of truck in Denare Beach District; report of possible impaired driver on Highway 167 between Creighton and Denare Beach. December 6 - Complaint of noisy party in Creighton; report of false 911 call on A.I.R.; complaint of Assault with Weapon on A.I.R.; complaint of theft of quad in Creighton - unfounded. December 7 - Assistance to Sandy Bay Detachment with Sexual Assault at Flin Flon General Hospital.