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Ashton secures uncontested NDP nomination

Northern Manitoba’s federal electoral district may be changing, but New Democrats hope the MP will remain the same. Niki Ashton has secured the NDP nomination for the newly expanded riding of Churchill-Keewatinook Aski.
Niki Ashton
MP Niki Ashton

Northern Manitoba’s federal electoral district may be changing, but New Democrats hope the MP will remain the same.
Niki Ashton has secured the NDP nomination for the newly expanded riding of Churchill-Keewatinook Aski.
“I’m honoured to have been nominated to run again,” said Ashton.
Ashton, 32, faced no challengers for the nomination, with the process spread across three meetings last week in Flin Flon, Opaskwayak Cree Nation and Thompson.
She said key issues for the riding include health care, infrastructure, pensions, child care and value-added jobs.
Ashton further cites poverty within First Nations and northern communities and the “national epidemic” of missing and murdered Indigenous women, among other concerns.
“We need Ottawa to be at the table and to work with us as a willing partner,” she added. “On too many issues, the federal government is either absent or working against us.”
Ashton’s riding is still known as Churchill, but in the next election, set for October 2015, it will expand to include some Interlake region communities and become known as Churchill-Keewatinook Aski.
Asked how New Democrats can be optimistic with many polls showing their party in third place nationally behind the Liberals and Conservatives, Ashton said the NDP is speaking to Canadians’ priorities.
“I am proud of the work we are doing in our riding to fight for the issues that matter to Flin Flon and other northern communities,” she added. “The NDP has a strong history of fighting for the North, and I look forward to continuing to be part of that fight.”
As for her political future, Ashton would not indicate whether she again plans to seek the NDP leadership following her failed 2012 bid.
“Running for the leadership of the NDP was a positive experience that allowed me to speak about our region and our vision at the national level,” she said. “For me it’s important to focus on continuing to fight for our region and building towards an NDP government in Ottawa.”
In terms of the controversy surrounding Manitoba’s NDP premier, Greg Selinger, whom some New Democrats have asked to resign, Ashton said she “will leave provincial issues to the provincial NDP

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