The Reminder is making its archives back to 2003 available on our website. Please note that, due to technical limitations, archive articles are presented without the usual formatting.
Twenty-five North Sask Seniors enjoyed a delicious potluck supper on Sunday, October 26 at the Creighton Senior Centre. The president, Helen Schaff, presided at the meeting which followed. The next Senior Bingo will be held at the Bingo Palace on November 30. Material for the top of the next quilt to be made has been donated. Several ladies volunteered to help make it. The annual Christmas party Ð for members only Ð will be held December 7 at 5:00 p.m. in the Creighton Community Hall. Denare Beach Seniors' Club members will be invited. There will be a $5 gift exchange and entertainment. Some discussion took place regarding whether our club should continue to belong to the Saskatchewan Seniors Association. Some felt that it is important for as many clubs as possible to remain in the provincial organization so that it can maintain a strong voice on senior issues. Others argued that we do not get sufficient benefit from the Saskatchewan Seniors Association to warrant the payment of the annual per capita fee. The matter was tabled until the next annual meeting. Len Reynolds will lay the wreath for the North Sask Seniors on November 11. Discussion regarding the proposed housing project for Creighton followed. Birthdays for October were celebrated. There was no Whist held on Monday, October 27. Spades results from October 30 are as follows: Ladies - first Pearl Wright 805, second Mary Terry 784, third Alma Dahl 758, and fourth Ruth Roncin 454. Gents - first George Jaszan 850, second Minnie Martynuik 834, third Emily Zachidniak 817, and fourth Stella Chrupalo 432 High for October: ladies - Flo Sayese with 852; men - Bea Huff with 866. The Flin Flon Creighton Seniors spades card results from October 28 are as follows: Ladies - High Ruth Roncin 878, second Mary Vandergucht 804, third Evelyn McConnell 794, low Marg Terry 510. Ladies' high for the month was Ruth Roncin with 878. Men - High Don Gates 863, second Stella Chrupalo 788, third Minnie Martyniuk 783, low Wilma Gallagher 484 Men's high for the month was Ruby Lenderbeck with 913.